Manhole cover in Naumburg

Manhole cover displaying the cathedral of Naumburg (Saale), Germany

This manhole cover displays the cathedral of Naumburg (Saale). The German full name is Naumburger Dom St. Peter und St. Paul. The cathedral dates back to the 13th century and is part of the Romanesque Road (Straße der Romanik) in Saxony-Anhalt.


Truck Steyr 480 (1966)

Truck Steyr 480k (1966) in Vienna, Austria

During the event waldviertelpur, I had the opportunity to look under the hood of this old gentleman. This Steyr 480 saw its construction by the Austrian company Steyr in 1966. Today, the truck operates for the Zwettl brewery, based in the region of Waldviertel. [German]
