Mozartsteg in Salzburg

Mozartsteg in Salzburg, Austria

The Mozartsteg in Salzburg is a footbridge named after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The Art Nouveau-style bridge saw its completion in 1903. At that time, pedestrians had to pay a toll for using this privately owned construction.


Art Nouveau door at Zeche Zollern

Door at the machine hall of Zeche Zollern

A fascinating detail of the Zeche Zollern, a colliery in Dortmund: The door at the machine hall is built in the style of Jugendstil (Art Nouveau). Unfortunately, it was closed for renovation during my visit.


Jugendstil at Dannebergplatz

View of an art nouveau door at Dannebergplatz

You find this door in the style of art nouveau (Jugendstil) on the Dannebergplatz in Vienna. Whereas the park (Arenbergpark) in the middle of the Dannebergplatz is characterized by two high-rise bunkers of World War II, the buildings around the place offer lovely architecture, as depicted above.


Art nouveau building in Graz

Art nouveau building in Graz, Austria

Art Nouveau building located in a shopping street named Sporgasse in Graz. Well, the building obviously needs a kind of brush-up, but I love this combination of beauty and decay. What do you think?
