This bronze sculpture titled Sonnenanbeter (Sun Worshiper) stands on the terrace of Schloss Eckberg (Eckberg Mansion) in Dresden. From there, guests have a fine view of the Elbe Valley. The creator of this artwork was Sascha Schneider. [German]
Category: Sculptures
Pilatushaus in Nuremberg
The house sign of the Pilatushaus in Nuremberg shows Saint George fighting the dragon. The motif fits well. The owner of this home was a Plattner (amorer), and George was the Saint of his craft guild.
Hofmarstallschwemme in Salzburg
This water basin for washing horses (Pferdeschwemme) stands next to Sigmund’s Gate (Sigmundstor). The basin, generally known as Hofmarstallschwemme, was designed and built in 1693 by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach.
Monument to Nicholas Winton
Thoughtful monument to Nicholas Winton located at the platform 1 of Prague main railway station. 669 Jewish children were rescued by trains organized by him in 1939. These trains brought the children to London just before World War II started.
“Die Reisende” (Robert Indermaur)
During a winter excursion on a UNESCO World Heritage route in Graubünden, my train stopped in Thusis. An elegant lady was sitting outside on the platform, waiting: “Die Reisende” (The Female Traveller), a work by the Swiss artist Robert Indermaur. [German]
Hundefräulein at Schallaburg Castle
If you look at the sculptures decorating the courtyard of Schallaburg Castle (Schloss Schallaburg), you may discover the “Hundefräulein” (Dog Lady). This is the bust of a lady whose head looks like the head of a dog.
Donkey Fountain in Halle (Saale)
The Donkey Fountain (Eselsbrunnen) on the Old Market (Alter Markt) in Halle (Saale) dates back to 1913. Its motiv – a man with a donkey walks over a rug of roses – refers to an old but fun legend. [German]
“The Little Sandman” in Erfurt
“Please take a seat but be careful, don’t fall asleep!” This sculpture in Erfurt, named Little Sandman (Sandmännchen), refers to a German children’s bedtime television programme using stop motion animation.
“Pietá” by Anna Chromy
In 1999 a strange figurine appeared in the city of Salzburg. It had chosen a prominent place under the Cathedral Archway between Domplatz and Kapitelplatz: The sculpture “Pietá” by Czech painter and sculptor Anna Chromy. [German]
Saxon Steed in Hanover
The Saxon Steed (Sachsenross) has travelled a lot. You find it in many coats of arms and illustrations from different regions. While walking through Hanover, I finally saw a sculpture of this historic symbol. [German]
Owl at a library in Vienna
This owl is a decoration created by the Swiss artist and architect Bruno Weber. You find it at the Vienna University of Technology Library. The 18-metre-high sculpture and the 16 smaller owls along the attic make the building look like a place of wisdom. [German]
Sunken Giant in Weimar
This sculpture named Versunkener Riese (Sunken Giant) was created by the German sculptor Walter Sachs. The art piece is located on the Frauenplan, a square known for the nearby Goethe National Museum. [German]