The first official numbering of houses in Vienna was ordered by Maria Theresa in 1770. Following this order, the house numbers were given successively as the houses were built. No street names but numbers from 1 to nonterminating.
Category: Signs
Ghost Sign in Koblenz
Opposite my hotel in the German city of Koblenz, I came across this ghost sign covering the front wall of a building. In earlier times, it promoted soap flakes known as LUX Seifenflocken.
Old sign about heavy wagons
On my walk through Vienna, I came across this sign dating back to 1912. It asked drivers of heavy horse-drawn wagons to walk next to the horses or to send an accompanying person ahead to warn the pedestrians.
Relief of a laurel tree in Naumburg (Saale)
This relief displaying a laurel tree and two men is fixed on a 16th-century building with the address Herrenstraße 2 in Naumburg (Saale). The edifice accommodates a pharmacy named Lorbeerbaum Apotheke (Laurel Tree Pharmacy).
Shop sign of a brush-maker in Naumburg (Saale)
This shop sign at the Bürstenmacherei Steinbrück in Naumburg (Saale) shows the main products of a German Bürstenbinder (brush-maker). Inside the shop, interested people can buy traditionally manufactured brushes.
Blue Scythe Inn in Windischgarsten
Inn sign and wall painting of the Blue Scythe Inn (Gasthof zur Blauen Sense) in Windischgarsten.
Sign of a shoe shop in Poysdorf
This huge mural promotes the shoe shop Eisinger (Eisinger Schuhhaus) located at the Brunngasse 11 in Poysdorf.
Street name signs in Erfurt
There are telling street name signs in Erfurt: Streets with red signs are located inside the former city walls, blue ones are outside. The Juri-Gagarin-Ring, named after a sucessful Russian cosmonaut, follows the route of the demolished city wall to a great extent.
Zum fidelen Affen in Salzburg
You find this inn sign on a traditional restaurant in Salzburg. The name “Zum fidelen Affen” literally means “Merry Monkey”.
Shop sign at a hat shop in Linz
Shop sign of a hat shop in Linz. I’ve no idea why the faces are green but the green colour makes the sign even more remarkable. The decoration on the right side is part of the Christmas decoration 2014.
Exhibition of historic facade signs in Vienna
Stadtschrift, an association for the collection, preservation and documentation of historic facade signs created this open air exhibition at a fire wall in Vienna. I love the idea to show them in public instead of a presentation inside a hall. So we can see these signs in a way we used to do on our walks to school or job in earlier times.
Shop sign of an interior decorator in Linz
Shop sign of a furniture shop and interior decorator in Linz. Love the way how the creator of this sign describes the service of this shop.