Heidentor in Carnuntum

Heidentor in Petronell-Carnuntum

The Heidentor in Petronell-Carnuntum forms an iconic remain from the Roman Empire on the grounds of today’s Austria. Its purpose was uncertain for a long time. Local people call the structure Heidentor, meaning Heathen’s Gate or Pagan’s Gate. [German]


Schloss Hof

Schloss Hof in Marchfeld

Schloss Hof is the largest castle of the five Marchfeld Palaces between Vienna and Bratislava. Two famous owners – Prince Eugene of Savoy and Empress Maria Therese – transformed it into a Baroque gem with a large French formal garden stretched onto seven terraces. [German]


Radyweg in Poysdorf

The Radyweg, the longest wine cellar lane of Poysdorf, Austria

The Radyweg is considered the most extended wine cellar lane (Kellergasse) of Poysdorf. In earlier times, the buildings along the path formed wine cellars or press houses. A tour guide told me the length of all cellar lanes in Poysdorf adds up to 60 kilometres!


Podersdorf Windmill

The windmill of Podersdorf, Austria

There are only two operable windmills in Austria. One of them stands in Podersdorf, a place in the Austrian state of Burgenland. The Association for the Preservation of the Podersdorf Windmill offers guided tours with
