How to transport a railway switch

Transport of a railway switch

Today I came across a train that transported railway switches. It was interesting to see what kind of specialized carriages are used for this extra-wide cargo.


Manhole cover in Rottenmann

Manhole cover in Rottenmann, Austria

While watching a classic car ralley in Rottenmann I came across this manhole cover showing the emblem of the city.


Maria Straßengel Church

Pilgrimage church Maria Straßengel, Austria

The pilgrimage church Maria Straßengel stands in Judendorf-Straßengel, a place in the Austrian municipality of Gratwein-Straßengel. A famous exhibit in this church is a fir root in the shape of a crucifix. Visitors can see this piece on request only.


The winged cow of Graz

The winged cow of Graz, Austria

The winged cow of Graz seen on a balcony in the centre of the city. Don’t ask me for details, I am not an expert on winged cows  🙂


Sister Cities of Graz

Mural with a list of sister cities of Graz

This mural tells about the Sister Cities of Graz. You find it near the Schloßberg Museum on top of the hill (Schloßberg) in the middle of the Styrian capital. Today, it isn’t up-to-date. For example, it doesn’t mention Ljubljana that joined this group in 2001.


Fun promotion for bikes in Graz

Fun advertisement in Graz, Austria

Fun advertisement seen in Graz. The slogan Hängen Sie Ihr Altes an den Nagel … (‘hang your old one up …’) suggests to buy a new bike from a certain company.
