The winged cow of Graz seen on a balcony in the centre of the city. Don’t ask me for details, I am not an expert on winged cows 🙂
Sister Cities of Graz
This monument tells about the sister cities of my native town Graz. You find it on top of the hill (SchloĂźberg) in the middle of Graz. The following list shows the first year of the partnership.
Clock tower of Graz
The landmark of Graz is a clock tower, generally known as the Uhrturm. It is placed on top of a rock in the middle of the city. So, visitors see it from many places. Near the tower, there is a station for a special elevator. The shaft runs inside the rock and links the city with the clock tower.
Clock tower of Bruck/Mur
The clock tower of Bruck an der Mur is part of Landskron Castle (Burgruine Landskron) high over the city.
Mural at the town hall of Hallein
Learning about a town’s history by searching for historical murals: While walking through Hallein I came across this mural telling about the transport of salt boxes along the Salzach River.
Frauenburg Castle in Unzmarkt
Passing Unzmarkt by train, you have this view of nearby Frauenburg Castle (Burgruine Frauenburg). The castle dates back to the 13th century. Some literature says it was one of the favourite homes of minnesinger Ulrich von Liechtenstein.
Golling Castle in Golling / Salzach
On a train journey from Bischofshofen to Salzburg, I took this photo of Golling Castle (Burg Golling) through the train windows. The castle houses a museum of local history.
Unicorn at Mirabell Gardens
Near one of the entrances to the Mirabell Gardens (Mirabellgarten), I saw this sculpture of an unicorn. But this was not the only lively statue in this park of Salzburg City. So I also came across a sunbathing lion.
The Sound of Music cow
A cow painted with scenes of the movie “The Sound of Music”. This piece stands next to a booth in Salzburg where people buy tickets for bus tours to the sets of this famous American movie.
Fun promotion for bikes in Graz
Fun advertisement seen in Graz. The slogan Hängen Sie Ihr Altes an den Nagel … (‘hang your old one up …’) suggests to buy a new bike from a certain company.
The rabbit and the magic shop
On my way to the Kunsthaus in Vienna, I often pass a magic shop. I love the idea of promoting this shop with a rabbit and hat sculpture.
Oberhaus Fortress in Passau
Visitors experience this view of Oberhaus Fortress (Veste Oberhaus) from the main square in Passau. The fortress itself offers an even more intriguing view: You see the three rivers of Passau in their different colours: Danube (Blue), Inn (Green) and Ilz (Black).